Please consider helping

Your donation, large, medium, or small is vital to paying for competent attorneys, legal researchers, factual researchers, paralegals, consultants pulling together vast amounts of information and videos in a form usable at trial, expert witnesses, etc., etc.


We hope to provide a variety of ways you can donate to suit your choice and preference. Click on the DONATE button above to donate by credit card, debit card, ACH, etc. You can also choose the following options if you wish:

Donate with Vemno: @PatriotsLegalDefenseFund

You may designate donations to assist specific defendants or organizations.

Please send checks, money orders or undisclosed cash (but no more than 1,000 total cash) (make sure to include a note that any donation is for the Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund, Inc.;) (Note that the bank will need the identity of any cash donor, but our records will not contain your identity on our end).

Southern First Bank

ATTN: Deposit to Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund, Inc.

PO Box 22588

Charleston, SC 29413

Make checks or money orders payable to “Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund, Inc.”

Please note that only the US Mail will deliver to a post office box. Donations delivered in other ways will be deposited into the banks as well.

Donations sent to the bank’s “lock box” will be deposited directly into the bank account without being handled or touched by anyone but bank personnel. Similarly, credit card donations are deposited directly into the same bank account, with no intermediate handling. Although we will protect your privacy, the bank and our CPA will report the total amount of funds received.

The total funds received and spent are publicly reported on IRS Form 990 for non-profit organizations. We will also publicly disclose the total amount of donations received and all expenditures and disbursements by category. All uses of funds received must be approved by the Board of Directors.

The fund seeks to make sure that defendants can receive a quality and well supplied legal defense.  If a Defendant is receiving support from other financial sources, the Fund will seek to supplement those other money to help the Defendant have a strong defense.

Legal rules require that attorneys make decisions in the conduct of the legal cases in their best judgment of what is best for their client.  Attorneys cannot let third party donors determine their client's legal defense or strategy.  This is partly why this Fund does not get directly involved in litigation or legal defense in court.  Some funds do.  We try to make it possible for Defendants to make the best choice in their view of the attorneys they want.  The Fund helps Defendants financially with the legal bills for the attorneys that the Defendants choose for themselves.

And the Board believes it is better to fully fund each Defendant as money is received than to sprinkle a little money over many Defendants.